Archive for May, 2011

Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie is a short easy read that is at the same time powerful and emotional. This book takes on dealing with death. In this society, death is avoided until it is absolutely necessary for us to deal with it.

In my life I have seen a lot of tragic deaths happen. I have been lucky not to have anyone close with me die, but I have seen friends die and close friends deal with tragic deaths.

Death has scared me because of it is always so close and can hit when least expected.

Tuesdays with Morrie introduces us to a character who though is terminally ill, does not fear death. Morrie, instead, embraces death and ends up living more than most people ever get the chance to do.

I learned so much from this small book because it contains so many lessons for life. Death does not seem as daunting as it once did.

I would recommend this book to all because death will eventually hit us all and this book makes it easier to understand death.

Click Here to Buy Tuesdays with Morrie from Amazon!

Jane Eyre

My summer just began and to start it off I have a pile of books waiting to be read. Jane Eyre was my first read and I must say that all others will have a hard time contending with it.

My only regret in reading this book is that I have not read it sooner. I have heard good things about Jane Eyre and thus had it on my To Read List, but I wish that I could have fit it into my schedule much sooner. Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, has been a favorite of mine since I first read it in high school, and I was surprised to see that Charlotte Bronte, Emily’s sister, could give me a better story to read than Wuthering Heights.

I found the two stories to be very similiar. They both stand out to me as depicting great, romantic love. Heathcliff and Catherine, and Jane and Rochester each are noteworthy love stories that contemporary writers have been influenced by. In fact, Stephanie Meyer, author of the Twilight books, uses a passage from Wuthering Heights to describe the love between Bella and Edward.

As well as being love stories, they are each tragic. Their is a barrier between love in each story. For Jane and Rochester, it is Rochester’s wife, while Heathcliff and Catherine it is money and eventually death. These barriers increase the romance factor and ignite emotions while reading them. I was on edge to see if the lovers would find true happiness and love.

My satisfaction in reading Jane Eyre was that love wins in the end. Their was awhile there where I thought Jane and Rochester would be forced to lead lives apart from one another, but Charlotte brought the wayward lovers together in the end and all was well.

I do not normally like novels that end with everything being perfect because ,well, life never happens like that. In Jane Eyre‘s case though, I loved it. I found with this book hope in despair and love in unusual places. It is a book that should be on the top every romantic’s to read list.

Click here to buy Jane Eyre from Amazon!